- Training and Interventions
- LDRP University Qualifications
- Contact Numbers
Short Session Presentations

CCMA Guidelines on Misconduct Arbitration
This presentation provides an overview of the CCMA Guidelines on Misconduct Arbitration.
The target group for the course includes, but is not limited to, employer and employee representatives who participate in arbitration proceedings.
Temporary closure of the CCMA Ekurhuleni (Benoni) provincial office

Discrimination and sexual harassment in the workplace
This presentation covers:
- The need for employment equity;
- Unfair discrimination;
- Equal pay for equal work (as a specific form of discrimination); and
Sexual harassment (as a specific form of discrimination).
Temporary closure of the CCMA Ekurhuleni (Benoni) provincial office

Dealing with sexual harassment as a form of unfair discrimination at the workplace
This slide presentation is designed to focus on sexual harassment within the workplace, providing users with an overview of the following –
- What is sexual harassment?
- Why sexual harassment is dealt with under the EEA.
- The Code of Good Practice on the handling of sexual harassment cases in the workplace.
- How to deal with sexual harassment in the workplace.
- Dispute resolution.
- Case law.
- Remedies.
The target group for the course includes, but is not limited to, trade union shop stewards and officials, HR/IR managers and employer’s organisation officials.
Course duration: 10:25:46Share
Temporary closure of the CCMA Ekurhuleni (Benoni) provincial office

International Agencies, the CCMA and Labour LAw in SA
This presentation covers:
- The constitutional right to fair labour practice
- The purpose of the Labour Relations Act
- The role and powers of the CCMA
- Who is an employee / employer for purposes of the Labour Relations Act?
- The rights of employees, employed in South Africa
- The obligations of Missions in South Africa in relation to employment law
The South African labour dispute resolution path, different stages thereof, and the factors impacting on each stage.
Course duration: 00:00:00Share
Temporary closure of the CCMA Ekurhuleni (Benoni) provincial office

Workplace Forums
This presentation explores the definition of a workplace forum, how it is established, and its functions.
Course duration: 12:37:28Share
Temporary closure of the CCMA Ekurhuleni (Benoni) provincial office

Improvement and Transformation of Workplace Relations – promotion of CCMA intervention
This presentation provides an overview of the various capacity-building interventions that form part of the “Workplace Transformation” package. These interventions include:
- Building Workplace Relations (BWR)
- Managing Conflict in the Workplace (MCW)
Effective Negotiation Skills (ENS)
Course duration: 00:00:00Share
Temporary closure of the CCMA Ekurhuleni (Benoni) provincial office

Who may represent Workers at the CCMA?
This presentation focusses on CCMA Rule 25 which sets out who may represent parties at CCMA hearings. Includes the following –
- Introduction
- Overview of conciliation, arbitration and con-arb hearings
- Representation at conciliation hearings
- Representation at con-arb and arbitration hearings
- Representation at facilitation processes (s189A of the LRA)
Representation by ‘others’, including advice offices
Course duration: 00:00:00Share
Temporary closure of the CCMA Ekurhuleni (Benoni) provincial office

Preparing and Conducting disciplinary hearings
This presentation provides an overview of what is required when preparing for and conducting disciplinary hearings. The content includes the following:
- The goal of discipline: An overview
- The preparatory stage
- Conducting a hearing
Post hearing issues
Temporary closure of the CCMA Ekurhuleni (Benoni) provincial office

Code of Good Practice: Dismissal Schedule 8 of the LRA
This presentation provides the legislative framework for dealing with dismissals fairly in terms of the Code of Good Practice (Schedule 8) of the LRA. It also outlines the difference between misconduct and incapacity.
Temporary closure of the CCMA Ekurhuleni (Benoni) provincial office

Understanding the CCMA and it’s Processes
This presentation aims to make users aware of the CCMA, its different processes, how the CCMA aims to uphold fair labour practices, and pointers on how to ensure a positive outcome when attending a hearing.Share
Temporary closure of the CCMA Ekurhuleni (Benoni) provincial office
Capacity Building Interventions

3rd Annual CCMA Shop Stewards and Union Officials Conference 2021
Temporary closure of the CCMA Ekurhuleni (Benoni) provincial office
Problem Solving Interventions

Test Dealing with sexual harassment in the workplace workshop
Awareness raising on wordplace rights and use of the law is carried our through community radio sessions, lzimbizo meeting and road shows.
Temporary closure of the CCMA Ekurhuleni (Benoni) provincial office
Building Skills to Meet Workplace Challenges
1. The CCMA and Bargaining Councils have collaborated with Public Universities to deliver a Programme in Labour Dispute Resolution Practice (LDRP). With 2024 being the tenth year of delivery, this partnership currently involving seven Universities has made excellent progress, with strong student uptake and growing interest experienced. To date the outcomes have been very positive.
2. The Programme is targeted at individuals who wish to enhance their dispute resolution and conflict management skills in industrial relations. This includes human resource officers, trade unionists and legal practitioners. It is also targeted at aspirant CCMA commissioners and Bargaining Council panelists.
3. The aim of the Programme is to empower participants to engage in a knowledgeable and skillful manner more broadly within the labour relations arena when they return to their workplaces after successfully completing the Programme. It also aims to equip participants to participate effectively in the conciliation and arbitration hearing process as a party representative, or as competent conciliators and arbitrators should they successfully apply to be appointed as CCMA Commissioners or Bargaining Council panelists or panelists of an Accredited Agency.
4. The Programme is designed to produce well-rounded practitioners who are not only technically competent, but also have a strong sense of social justice, ethics, and equity values. Flowing from the in-house CCMA Candidate Commissioner Training Programme (the training that is compulsory for newly appointed Commissioners who have not completed the LDRP qualification), it includes training in all core aspects currently offered by the CCMA to Candidate Commissioners.
5. The qualification is delivered as a Post Graduate Diploma (NQF 8) by six of the participating Universities. The University of Stellenbosch and the University of the Witwatersrand offer the LDRP Programme as a certificate programme that is certified by the respective Universities. WITS also offers it as a Post Graduate Diploma. The remaining Universities only offer it as a Post Graduate Diploma.
6. While the LDRP Programme does not provide for direct so-called “accreditation” as a CCMA commissioner or a Bargaining Council panelist or a panelist of an Accredited Agency, it serves as an advantage for those who apply for such positions as and when they are advertised
7. All short-listed applicants for entry-level Commissioner positions will be required to write a recruitment assessment. This assessment focuses on knowledge and application of key areas of labour law. The required competency mark for the assessment is 60%. In addition, all those who successfully apply to be appointed as CCMA Commissioners, Bargaining Council panelists or panelists of Accredited Agencies will be required to complete an assessment-based Mentorship Programme.
8. Those LDRP graduates, who qualified with the Post Graduate Diploma qualification or who registered (and then subsequently qualified) for one of the certificate Programmes prior to 2021, whose commissioner applications are successful may apply to be exempted from attending the full eight- module in-house Candidate Commissioner Training Programme. Please see item 9 below for further information on terms and conditions applying to registration and completion of certificate Programmes from 01 January 2021.
9. The following applies to students who successfully complete one of the LDRP certificate Programmes for which they registered after 1 January 2021:
9.1. If you successfully complete the recruitment assessment and are subsequently appointed by the CCMA Governing Body as a full-time or part- time commissioner, you may apply to be exempted from attending the in-house eight-module CCMA Candidate Commissioner Training Programme. However, only those who attained an overall mark of 60% or higher may be considered for full exemption from attending the in- house Candidate Commissioner Training Programme. The exemption applications for those who attained less than 60% will be considered in line with the applicant’s competency in particular learning areas as reflected in the course results.
10. Those graduates who wish to apply for Bargaining Council positions are advised to contact the Bargaining Councils directly for their recruitment procedures and for information on the type of positions that may be on offer.
11. The Programme is being delivered by the universities listed below – please take note of the different titles of the qualifications as used by the universities.
12. Queries regarding registration and other details must please be directed to the relevant universities, using the contact details
EASTERN CAPE Port Elizabeth | Nelson Mandela University | Mercantile Law | PG Diploma in Labour Law Practice | Mr. Thanduxolo Qotoyi: Course Coordinator Mr. Xolisa Mgwelo Course Administrator | Tel: 041 504 4624 Email: Xolisa.Mgwelo@mandela.ac.za Website: |
FREE STATE Bloemfontein | University of the Free State | Centre for Labour Law (as part of Dept. of Mercantile Law | PG Diploma in Labour Law | Mr. S Tavuyanago Programme Director Mrs. Cronette Nel Officer: PGRD Labour Law | Email: NelC1@ufs.ac.za |
GAUTENG Johannesburg | University of the Witwatersrand | WITS School of Law Mandela Institute | Labour Dispute Resolution Practice PG Certificate And Post Graduate Diploma in the Field of Labour Dispute Resolution Practice | Prof. Firoz Cachalia Director Ms. Ursula Dangor Programme Coordinator | Tel: 011 717 8435 E-mail: mandela.institute@wits.ac.za Website: www.wits.ac.za/mandelainstitute OR Ms Ursula Dangor E-mail: ursula.dillner-dangor@wits.ac.za |
KWAZULU-NATAL Durban | University of KwaZulu-Natal | UKZN School of Law | PG Diploma in Industrial Relations | Ms. Rowena Bernard Programme Manager | Tel: 031 260 1534 Email: bernardr@ukzn.ac.za |
NORTHWEST (Potchefstroom, Mafikeng or another selected venue depending on industry needs) | Northwest University | Faculty of Law | PG Diploma in Labour Law | Prof. Hein Lubbe The Deputy Director of Post Graduate studies Dr. Anri Botes Course Convenor | Email: anri.botes@nwu.ac.za http://studies.nwu.ac.za/studies/apply. Website: www.distance.nwu.ac.za Facebook: Unit for Open Distance Learning |
WESTERN CAPE Bellville | University of the Western Cape | Social Law Project | PG Diploma in Labour Law (Labour Dispute Resolution Practice) | Prof. Debbie Collier The Director of Post Centre for Transformative Regulation of Work (CENTROW) Ms. Fairuz Mullagee Project Manager Mr. Roger Ronnie Academic Support Adv. Ernest Booys Academic Support Ms. Leonore Schuller Student Administrator | Email: slp@uwc.ac.za |
WESTERN CAPE Stellenbosch and Midrand | Stellenbosch University | Faculty of Law Department of Mercantile Law | Certificate Programme in Labour Dispute Resolution Practice (CLDRP) | Prof. Christoph Garbers Academic Course Leader Ms. Marilize Hanekom Administrator | E-mail: cgarbers@sun.ac.za E-mail: marilizehanekom@sun.ac.za (Please note that the programme is also offered in Midrand, Gauteng) |
EAST LONDON | 1. COMMISSIONER: Elizabeth Tom | DIRECT NUMBER: 043 711 5413 CELL: 083 334 0704 SWITCHBOARD: 043 711 5400 EMAIL: ElizabethT@CCMA.org.za |
| 2. COORDINATOR: Nomampondo Dudumayo | DIRECT NUMBER: 043 711 5407 CELL: 082 435 6484 SWITCHBOARD: 043 711 5400 EMAIL: NomampondoD@CCMA.org.za |
PORT ELIZABETH | 3. COMMISSIONER: Nolitha Mdledle | DIRECT NUMBER: 041 509 1033 CELL: 083 489 9113 SWITCHBOARD: 041 509 1000 EMAIL: NolithaM@CCMA.org.za |
| 4. COORDINATOR: Nomaxabiso Nelani | DIRECT NUMBER: 041 509 1034 CELL: 083 204 5625 SWITCHBOARD: 041 509 1000 EMAIL: NomaxabisoN@CCMA.org.za |
FREE STATE | 5. COMMISSIONER: Noloyiso Sithole
| DIRECT NUMBER: 051 411 1737 CELL: 078 171 9120 SWITCHBOARD: 051 411 1700 EMAIL: NoloyisoS@CCMA.org.za |
| 6. COORDINATOR: Mpho Sehloho | DIRECT NUMBER: 051 411 1719 CELL: 065 923 6310/082 676 2361 SWITCHBOARD: 051 411 1700 EMAIL: mphoseh@CCMA.org.za |
NORTHERN CAPE | 7. COMMISSIONER: Bryan Pietersen | DIRECT NUMBER: 053 836 7324 CELL: 079 505 7304 SWITCHBOARD: 053 836 7300 EMAIL: BryanP@CCMA.org.za |
| 8. COORDINATOR: Anthea September | DIRECT NUMBER: 053 836 7308 CELL: 081 049 5524 SWITCHBOARD: 053 836 7300 EMAIL: AntheaV@CCMA.org.za |
EKURHULENI | 9. COMMISSIONER: Albert Makgoba | DIRECT NUMBER: 011 845 9046 CELL: 076 380 4802 SWITCHBOARD: 011 845 9000 EMAIL: AlbertMa@CCMA.org.za |
| 10. COORDINATOR: Lebo Tshidi | DIRECT NUMBER: 011 845 9037 CELL: 081 030 0569 SWITCHBOARD: 011 845 9000 EMAIL: LeboTs@CCMA.org.za |
JOHANNESBURG | 11. COMMISSIONER: Julius Pheko Molefe | DIRECT NUMBER: 011 220 5031 CELL: 073 064 8573 SWITCHBOARD: 011 220 5000 EMAIL: JuliusM@CCMA.org.za |
| 12. COORDINATOR: Nosabata Connie Nkuna | DIRECT NUMBER: 011 220 5047 CELL: 072 235 0655 SWITCHBOARD: 011 220 5000 EMAIL: saben@ccma.org.za |
| 13. COMMISSIONER: Samson Phomodi | DIRECT NUMBER: 016 440 2719 CELL: 063 395 8746 SWITCHBOARD: 016 440 2700 EMAIL: SamsonP@CCMA.org.za |
| 14. COORDINATOR: Elizabeth Mahlapane Moleko | DIRECT NUMBER: 011 377 6729 CELL: 061 949 7827 SWITCHBOARD: 016 440 2700 EMAIL: ElizabethM@CCMA.org.za |
| 16. COORDINATOR: Tabea Maitsha
| DIRECT NUMBER: 012 317 7803 CELL: 082 434 2933 SWITCHBOARD: 012 317 7800 EMAIL: TabeaM@CCMA.org.za |
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KWA ZULU NATAL | 17. COMMISSIONER Manoh Thwala | DIRECT NUMBER: 031 362 2396 CELL: 083 708 9109/076 922 0625 SWITCHBOARD: 031 362 2300 EMAIL: ManohT@CCMA.org.za |
| 18. COORDINATOR: Kenneth Langa | DIRECT NUMBER: 031 362 2392 CELL: 078 533 3736 SWITCHBOARD: 031 362 2300 EMAIL: KennethL@CCMA.org.za |
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LIMPOPO | 19. COMMISSIONER: Ephraim Sekele | DIRECT NUMBER: 015 287 7461 CELL: 073 095 7934 SWITCHBOARD: 015 287 7400 EMAIL: EphraimS@CCMA.org.za |
| 20. COORDINATOR: Thandi Mabena | DIRECT NUMBER: 015 287 7405 CELL: 073 204 8360 SWITCHBOARD: 015 287 7400 EMAIL: ThandiMa@CCMA.org.za |
MPUMALANGA | 21. COMMISSIONER: Vusumuzi Mnisi | DIRECT NUMBER: 013 655 2605 CELL: 0645387652/0723624683 SWITCHBOARD: 013 666 2600 EMAIL: VusumuziMn@CCMA.org.za |
| 22. COORDINATOR: Pinkie Setladi | DIRECT NUMBER: 013 655 2636 CELL: 071 870 3206 SWITCHBOARD: 013 666 2600 EMAIL: PinkieS@CCMA.org.za |
NORTH WEST | 23. COMMISSIONER: Miranda Mokgosi | DIRECT NUMBER: 018 487 4618 CELL: 079 835 3447 SWITCHBOARD: 018 487 4600 EMAIL: MirandaM@CCMA.org.za |
| 24. COMMISSIONER Ratwa Phillimon Rakalle | DIRECT NUMBER: 014 591 6411 CELL: 079 359 5757 SWITCHBOARD: 014 591 6400 EMAIL: RatwaR@CCMA.org.za |
| 25. COORDINATOR: Jacqi Jonathan | DIRECT NUMBER: 018 487 4622 CELL: 084 582 9603 SWITCHBOARD: 018 487 4600 EMAIL: JacqiA@CCMA.org.za |
WESTERN CAPE | 26. COMMISSIONER: Kevin Samuels | DIRECT NUMBER: 021 469 0147 CELL: 074 589 6217 SWITCHBOARD: 021 469 0111 EMAIL: KevinS@CCMA.org.za |
| 27. COORDINATOR: Mandisa Lekker | DIRECT NUMBER: 021 469 0136 CELL: 064 907 2376 SWITCHBOARD: 021 469 0111 EMAIL: MandisaL@CCMA.org.za |
NATIONAL OFFICE | 28. MANAGER: Hilton Mudau | DIRECT NUMBER: 011 377 6827 CELL: 084 588 9248/ 082 957 6629 SWITCHBOARD: 011 377 6827 EMAIL: HiltonM@CCMA.org.za |
| 29. COMMISSIONER: Gilbert Ganizani Ludaka | DIRECT NUMBER: 011 377 6783 CELL: 079 375 4999 SWITCHBOARD: 011 377 6600 EMAIL: GilbertL@CCMA.org.za |
| 30. COORDINATOR: Tshegofatso Phiri | DIRECT NUMBER: 011 377 6905 CELL: 083 5431232 SWITCHBOARD: 011 377 6600 EMAIL: TshegofatsoP@CCMA.org.za |