4 005 704

Cases referred to the CCMA since 1996

188 619

Total referrals (2023/24FY)

Unfair dismissal

accounted for 52% of all referrals (2023/24FY)


highest referring sector (2023/24FY) 17% 

1,564Cases referred to the CCMA since 1996

1,032Total referrals (2021/22 FY)

45%Referrals by issue (2021/22)

25%Referrals by sector (2021/22)


  • resolving disputes through conciliation;

  • arbitrating disputes that remain unresolved after conciliation if the LRA requires arbitration.

The process to apply for accreditation of Bargaining Councils, Statutory Councils and Private Agencies:

  • Application must be made in the prescribed format by completing the LRA Form 7.1

  • The following must be attached to the form:

    • a copy of the Council’s certificate of registration

    • details of the parties to the Council

    • a motivation for accreditation

    • The Council’s Code of Conduct

The following 7 criteria must be met:

  1. The extent to which the services provided by the applicant will meet the commission’s standard

  2. The ability of the applicant to conduct its activities effectively

  3. The independence of the persons appointed by the applicant to perform the functions

  4. Details regarding the competence of the persons appointed by the applicant to perform the functions

  5. Details regarding the applicant’s code of conduct to govern the persons appointed to perform the functions

  6. Details regarding the disciplinary procedures used by the applicant to ensure subscription and adherence to the code of conduct

  7. Proof that the applicant promotes a service that is broadly representative of South African society


The following guidelines apply as follows:

  1. 7 Accreditation criteria, s127(4) of the LRA.

    With reference to competent service – kindly deal with issues such as quality control in respect of quality of awards and rulings issued by panellists. It is preferred that part-time CCMA Senior Commissioners are tasked with this aspect. It is recommended that you supply the names of the Senior Commissioners responsible for quality control in order to show compliance.

  1. With reference to effective service – kindly provide statistics – Provide settlement rates, late awards (if any) and turnaround-times to mention a few.  If no statistics, make an undertaking to comply with the efficiencies.

  1. With reference to the competence of panellists, please provide us with a list of person/s on your panel. You MUST PLEASE APPLY for the accreditation of BC panelists you intend utilizing. There exists no need to apply for accreditation of existing CCMA Commissioners.

  1. With reference to independence of panelists, kindly deal with this aspect in detail. Indicate how appointment takes place to demonstrate the independence of each panelist.

  1. With reference to the Code of Conduct and how panelists and their infractions, if any, will be managed, kindly provide detail by attaching the Code of Conduct.

  1. in respect of demographics- please ensure that you provide a breakdown of panelists’ names, their race, their gender and how you intend allocating the cases accordingly to assist us in assessing whether you have met this criterion.

A holistic approach is adopted in the assessment of an accreditation application.

NB: The decision to accredit or not to accredit lies solely with the CCMA Governing Body.

For Agencies

Council-private agencies apply to amend accreditation

1.68 MB

Renewal of accreditation for private agencies

55 KB

For Councils

Council applies for accreditation – renewal of accreditation

1.68 MB

The ESC Committee members are as follows:


ESC Frequently Asked Questions

1.68 MB

MSA Guidelines and List of Essential Services

MSA Guidelines – 2019

137.1 KB

List of essential service designation- February 2023

1.68 MB

ES455- Section 71 designation of blast furnaces and coke batteries

46 KB

ES578 – Section 71 Variation of Computer Systems

46 KB

ES577- Public Electronic Communications designation

155 KB

DSD vs NEHAWU – Designation in terms of Section 71 of the LRA (1 March 2016)

327 KB

Security Services ,Safety Services and Electrical at the Airport be designated Essential Services

227 KB

ESC Gazettes More

Gazetted Notice 1827 of 2023

160 KB

Gazetted Notice on generation, transmission and distribution of power

327 KB

Gazette- Privately Owned Old Age Homes

227 KB

Government Gazette 40673 on Nuclear Energy and Nursing

327 KB

Gazetted Notice of ESC Investigations – July 2022

327 KB

LRA Form 4.8C Application to vary or revoke a Minimum Service Determination

118 KB

LRA Form 4.8A Referring disputes for conclusion of a Collective Agreement providing for a MSA

102 KB

LRA Form 4.8 Request for ratification of a Minimum Service Agreement

166 KB

ESC Regulations 2
